Divorce and domestic partnership dissolution get more complicated when minor children are involved. You may have figured out how you’re going to handle custody between parents, but calculating child support is another issue that you and your co-parent must resolve. In California, child support is…
When spouses seek a divorce in California, the courts make an effort to bridge any gaps in income between them in order to prevent undue financial burdens from falling on one of the spouses. The foundation of this law addresses marriage as a contract between…
When a couple with children seeks a divorce in California, the final divorce decree will include required child support payments from the higher-earning parent to the lower-earner based on both parents’ incomes and their amount of parenting time. Child support payment orders seek to minimize…
The parent-child relationship is a powerful one and for most people, it’s an unbreakable sacred bond. Unfortunately, life’s circumstances sometimes cause that bond to break between a parent and child, and in that case, there could be grounds for termination of parental rights under California…
Divorce has lasting implications for parents, for as long as their children are minors. Divorced parents in California have to follow the laws and guidelines decided in the best interests of the child either during the parent’s negotiations and divorce agreement or through a judge’s…
Parenting is not only a lifelong commitment and a challenging undertaking, but understanding the legal terminology that goes along with the many different ways to parent can also be a challenge. One common point of confusion is the difference between legal guardianship and custody. While…
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We are a full-service family law firm with experience litigating and negotiating complex divorces and domestic partnership dissolutions in California.
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